Nikon D40 question - how to lock f-stop and shutter and re-compose? - tricks using 35mm film
When I was a very easy car 35mm camera manual / on-campus during my kind of picture that could close to the real problems, take a meter reading of him and stuck mixed and manual focus .. It was so easy, and some of my best photos were taken with the camera at Walmart cheap. Now I have a Nikon D40 and I love him, but I havent been able to understand how to do the same .. So I have a button to lock in reading and could then go back and read if you focus manually or automatically. So you know something? HELP!
There is a button AE-L (AE lock) on the back of the camera. Check your manual for how it works.
Or, in the desired exposure in manual mode.
Install the device in the manual and then do your reading. Better yet, to be honest, to return a good film camera. I have a love-hate relationship with my D40 and now more film and use the D40 as a Polaroid to check the composition.
Simply press the shutter speed is gone and then back together again ... like an autofocus 35mm SLR camera or a digital SLR camera.
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