Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Organic Baby Food Delivered Starting A Business, Would You Want A Baby Food Making Store?

Starting a business, would you want a baby food making store? - organic baby food delivered

I am thinking of starting a business that families teach their own baby food. Or I come home and show him the ropes, or when he came to my store and choose foods that I can deliver to your home. I also have organic options. Is that something you use?


Laura N said...

It depends on where you live. The largest city in the metropolitan area ... You can companies. Elsewhere ... Sorry, but I would not invest in them if I were you. There are many good books out there, such as homemade baby food (make and it's so easy) because I think most people in doing something like that, with interest. In a large city pretty well, it could become fashionable, and sometimes that makes the difference for a company. Good luck, my darling!

The Return of Pimp Stain said...

No, but you can steal my idea, because we never use it:

A spa trip / salon service for mothers who have difficulty leaving their personal time.

You can "team" to a massage therapist, nail care, hairdressing, etc., depending on what Mom to select the plan .... and to keep especially a nanny filled by a bag of tricks children, while Mom gets the royal treatment!

Ryan's mom said...

Unfortunately, no. It's really very simple, its own baby food and it would use more cost for a service to do it myself, and costing more than the use of organic baby food can be purchased already made.

babybugs... said...

No, considering that no longer find much in the way of the acquisition of ways to put food in a food processor. I see no argument that she had not time to find someone else to do to. If not, then he grabbed eating the glass. Well, if I am rich and spoiled, so I might consider a caterer for my baby, but then is not that what employees would be recruited?

Also - Have you thought about the problems of the Health Board? "Everything must be checked regularly, you would be limited, where you eat, as long as they meet all criteria, which would cost more than they think and had to pass these costs on to their customers can meet to buy, is so easy to just take the store and buy organic food.

onetwoth... said...

I hope I'm on baby food.

startast... said...

To be honest, no. There are many books on the subject and actually make baby food is not so hard.

Noah's Mommy said...

I am not sure if I see someone in my house because I could not understand. Well, on the other hand, if we had a really good business in a mall, I'm sure it would be a success. Take, for example, seems to Bath and Body, but it was filled w / beautiful baby positions in small packages. Although there are many shops are available, there is really nothing to eat "baby" type stores. You can also use a small number of soft toys and organic clothing. Good luck.

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